Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Upcoming Weekend Plans!

Last night I had the (joy?) of listening to the dogs bark and the hyenas howl. I thought I was getting used to their midnight noise, but alas, the past few nights they have woken me up with their back and forth communication. I woke up around 3AM and didn’t fall asleep until 6AM….and woke up about 30 minutes later from a dream where I was in a car and the driver was driving recklessly. Not a good start to my day. Oyyy...

But, I did have an exciting evening. Whitney and I went to the Hilton last night and booked plane tickets for our weekend travels. We will leave on Friday AM heading to Lalibela (known for the rock hewn churches), then fly to Gondar on Saturday afternoon ( known as “The Camelot of Africa" due to the presence of a group of royal castles ), and then drive to Bahir Dar on Saturday evening( the source of the Blue Nile).  We will spend the Sunday in Bahir Dar, and return to Addis on Sunday night. The three flights costs $156 USD! You can’t fly to one city in the US for that amount, much less 3 one way flights!

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